rosie marcel biography

835th Communications Squadron: Scott Air Force Base, IL: See 435th Air Base Wing: 836th Communications Squadron: Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ: 1991-1992. page 2 talespinner march 12, 2010 commentary editorial staff brig.gen.leonard patrick, 502nd air base wing commander oscar balladares, director, 502nd abw ol-a public affairs joe bela, chief of internal communications, 671-4111 shannon carabajal, managing editor, 671-1786 mike joseph, staff writer, 671-4357 patrick desmond, sports editor/staff writer, 671-5049 paul novak, design/layout, 671-0478 The 502nd Installation Support Group consolidates and provides civil engineering; communications and operations support squadron functions and sustainment across JBSA. 394th Communications Squadron: Lackland AFB, Texas: Was 3700th Communications Sq, Sep 1992 - Jul 1993 396th Communications Squadron: . The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center Innovation Office's "Call for Innovation" campaign ended Jan. 31 and received 122 submissions and, . The 802nd Mission Support Group oversees base operations and supports all units stationed at Lackland, including the 37th Training Wing. Our 502 CS patches are 100% embroidered with Velcro backing. The building is located a few hundred yards away from the fence . . The building is located a few hundred yards away from the fence . . Commander 210-221-5760. 2. Smith, 502nd Communications Squadron at JBSA-Lackland; Steven Dews, 502nd SFS at JBSA-Fort Sam Houston; Tech. The top three ideas will each receive $200,000 in funding for research and prototyping. Nathaniel Ewing, 561st Network Operations Squadron SAN ANTONIO—The 561st Network Operations Squadron, 688th Cyberspace Wing deployed teams to partner with the 502nd . • Virtual Visitor Control Center/ Visitor Kiosk, submitted 2nd Lt. DJ Smith, 502nd Communications Squadron, JBSA-Lackland, Steven Dews, 502nd SFS, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston and Tech Sgt. Airmen revitalize JBSA parks 733rd Training Squadron students gather for a group photograph near the garbage they collected at Stillman Park, Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, Feb. 18, 2022. -. . Lackland AFB (Joint Base San Antonio) Official Website. Brian Lawley, 802nd SFS at JB San Antonio-Lackland; and Senior Master Sgt. Alvin Arguello, AFSFC. Lackland AFB is part of Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA) located in San Antonio, Texas. Virtual Visitor Control Center/ Visitor Kiosk, submitted 2nd Lt. DJ Smith, 502nd Communications Squadron, JBSA-Lackland, Steven Dews, 502nd Security Forces Squadron, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston and Tech Sgt. Please help me help my brother. Custom patches for 502nd Communications Squadron at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas. June 8, 2022 - The 502nd Air Base Wing will conduct a JBSA-wide Antiterrorism/Force Protection Condition exercise July 20-27 . 6/14/2017 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM. 502nd Communications Squadron, JBSA-Lackland, Steven Dews, 502nd SFS, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston and Tech Sgt. Servicemembers interact with civilian companies during the 502nd Communications Squadron Technology Expo at the Gateway Club, Jan. 29, 2020, Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas. Directory. Members from the 502nd Communications Squadron and 502nd Logistics Readiness Squadron also participated in the cleanup. Formerly 1903d Communications Squadron. Alvin Arguello . Smith, 502nd Communications Squadron at JB San Antonio-Lackland; Steven Dews, 502nd SFS at JB San . • Virtual Visitor Control Center and Visitor Kiosk submitted and presented by 2nd Lt. D.J. The company's phone number is 210-354-1661; web site address and Janie can be contacted at Three innovative ideas to support worldwide warfighter success are one step closer to reality today thanks to the first Air Force Innovation Rodeo, $650,000 in total seed money and a partnership with AFWERX and tech accelerator companies., . 502ND INSTALLATION SUPPORT GROUP Under the Air Force's 502nd Air Base Wing, mission support group squadrons keep JBSA running smoothly with their services but under slightly different names and with slightly different responsibilities on each of the three installations. Airmen revitalize JBSA parks 733rd Training Squadron students gather for a group photograph near the garbage they collected at Stillman Park, Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, Feb. 18, 2022. Virtual Visitor Control Center/ Visitor Kiosk, submitted 2nd Lt. DJ Smith, 502nd Communications Squadron, JBSA-Lackland, Steven Dews, 502nd Security Forces Squadron, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston and Tech Sgt. The Air Force is also planning to add aircraft maintenance and training facilities to house the T-7A Red Hawk Aircraft, as part of the T-X program at Randolph. Authorities got a call around 2:45 p.m. that said a suspicious package was found outside the 502nd Communications Squadron building. The 502nd Communications Squadron is the strong sponsor of this expo that makes the most of your time in a region full of Air Force and DoD personnel. . Brian Lawley, 802nd SFS. . Randolph and Brooks AFBs and Fort Sam Houston are all combined now to form a Joint Base and personnel at all installations are promoted to for this popular annual exposition. an air traffic control tower and aquatics tank facilities at Lackland. In the photo, the visitor center at . Tinker Air Force Base. $2.38 $2.10 $1.96 $1.82 Details. 92nd Information Operations Squadron; 502nd Logistics Readiness Center; Defense Language Institute, English Language Center (DLIELC) Cryptologic and Cyber Systems Division; DRIVING INSTRUCTIONS Randolph and Brooks AFBs and Fort Sam Houston are all combined now to form a Joint Base and personnel at all . 78236 Lackland AFB , TX. Home . The 802nd Mission Support Group was redesignated as the 502nd Installation Support Group at JBSA-Lackland. 1 Jul 1970-30 Jun 1971; 1 Jul 1971-30 Apr 1972. JB Lackland Tech Expo he 502nd Communications Squadron is the strong sponsor of this expo that makes the most of your time in a region full of Air Force and DoD personnel. Fort Sam Houston, JBSA Lackland AFB. Brian Lawley, 802nd SFS, JBSA-Lackland, and Senior . Members from the 502nd Communications Squadron and 502nd Logistics Readiness Squadron also participated in the cleanup. 433rd Airlift Wing. Event Location: San Antonio, TX [The Gateway Club] Event Date/Time: Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 / 0930-1330: Event Details: The 502nd Communications Squadron is the strong sponsor of this expo that makes the most of your time in a region full of Air Force and DoD personnel. Members from the 502nd Communications Squadron and 502nd Logistics Readiness Squadron also participated in the cleanup. Personnel from the 502nd Air Base Wing, the 802nd Mission Sup-port Group, and the 59th Medical Wing's Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgi-cal Clinic will partici- . 502nd Communications Squadron keeps JBSA connected. The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center Innovation Office's "Call for Innovation" campaign ended Jan. 31 and received 122 submissions and, . The sheet rock removal allows plumbers to expedite repairs and mitigates mold hazards throughout the building. JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas -- . WHEN: TUESDAY MAY 24, 2022 11AM - 2PM (CT) . Alvin Arguello, AFSFC. Alvin Arguello, AFSFC. The office selected eight ideas to advance to AFIMSC's "Spark Tank" event March 1, where competitors with the top three ideas will receive $200,000 to . Sgt. Advanced roof inspection technology is one of eight ideas selected to compete at the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center's inaugural 'Innovation Rodeo' March 1, 2019. Technologies displayed at the expo were relevant to a diverse mixture. For more information or questions about the JBSA-Lackland migration to VoIP services, call Matthew Gonzalez at 210-925-3916 or Thomas Burke at 210-925-3681. Commander, 502nd Communications Squadron JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas -- Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland will undergo a Command Cyber Readiness Inspection, or CCRI, as an inspection team from the Defense Information Systems Agency will conduct a thorough evaluation of all network systems from Feb. 28 to March 11. 502 CS Lackland AFB U.S. Air Force Custom Patches. US. Under the Air Force's 502nd Air Base Wing, Mission Support Group squadrons keep Joint Base San Antonio running smoothly with their services but under slightly different names and with slightly different responsibilities on each of the three installations. 6/14/2017 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Communications Squadron, Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo. Redesignated as: 1973 Information Systems Group on 1 Apr 1985; 1973 Communications Group on 1 Nov 1986; 502 . Finance Call Center JBSA Phone 210-671-1851. USAF Visitor Center. U.S. Air . . 502 CS. US. • Virtual Visitor Control Center/ Visitor Kiosk, submitted 2nd Lt. DJ Smith, 502nd Communications Squadron, JBSA-Lackland, Steven Dews, 502nd SFS, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston and Tech Sgt. . Alvin Arguello, AFSFC. Randolph and Brooks AFBs and Fort Sam Houston are all combined now to form a Joint Base and personnel at all installations are promoted to for this popular annual exposition. August 2000 - December 2001, Visual Informat ion Maintenance, 36th Co mmunications Squadron, . Authorities got a call around 2:45 p.m. that said a suspicious package was found outside the 502nd Communications Squadron building. See map: Google Maps. The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center Innovation Office's "Call for Innovation" campaign ended Jan. 31 and received 122 submissions and, The official website for the U.S. Air Forces Central. Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm: 1 Apr . Brian Lawley, 802nd SFS. The annual expo featured more than 30 companies displaying different technologies and has been at JBSA for the past 20 years. Brian Lawley, 802nd SFS, JBSA-Lackland, and Senior Master Sgt. Brian Lawley, 802nd SFS, JBSA-Lackland, and . Brian Lawley of the 802nd SFS and Senior Master Sgt. 502nd Communications Squadron. Lackland AFB. Back live for the first time since June of 2019..The 502nd Communications Squadron is the strong sponsor of this expo that makes the most of . Randolph and Brooks AFBs and Fort Sam Houston are all combined now to form a Joint Base and personnel at all . 211029-F-DH023-026. The 502nd Communications Squadron is the strong sponsor of this expo that makes the most of your time in a region full of Air Force and DoD personnel. Does anyone have any info on the 502 communications squadron at Lackland? Airmen revitalize JBSA parks 733rd Training Squadron students gather for a group photograph near the garbage they collected at Stillman Park, Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, Feb. 18, 2022. Alvin Arguello, AFSFC. MilitaryINSTALLATIONS: U.S. DOD Military Base & Installation Info Get Directions. • Virtual Visitor Control Center and Visitor Kiosk submitted and presented by 2nd Lt. D.J. A 668th Alteration and Installation Squadron U.S. Air Force Airman works to remove water-saturated sheet rock throughout the Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland Child Development Center caused by winter storms in Texas Feb. 15-20. submitted 2nd Lt. DJ Smith, 502nd Communications Squadron, JBSA-Lackland; Steven Dews, 502nd SFS, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, Texas . 502nd Communications Squadron, 502nd Installation Support Group, 502nd Air Base Wing Feb 2018 - Present 4 years 3 months Joint Base San Antonio - Lackland/Randolph 50+ . The 502nd Communications Squadron is the strong sponsor of this expo that makes the most of your time in a region full of Air Force and DoD personnel. By Airman Mark Colmenares. To keep . The building is located a few hundred yards away from the fence . Authorities got a call around 2:45 p.m. that said a suspicious package was found outside the 502nd Communications Squadron building. 502ND INSTALLATION SUPPORT GROUP Under the Air Force's 502nd Air Base Wing, mission support group squadrons keep JBSA running smoothly with their services but under slightly different names and with slightly different responsibilities on each of the three installations. Your 502 CS OCP patches are 3.5" tall, and 100% embroidered with Velcro backing. The sheet rock removal allows plumbers to expedite repairs and mitigates mold hazards throughout the building. 210-671-1110. Quantity. submitted 2nd Lt. DJ Smith, 502nd Communications Squadron, JBSA-Lackland, Steven Dews, 502nd SFS, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston and Tech Sgt. Event Date/Time: Wednesday, June 15th, 2022 / 0930-1330. "The annual JBSA-Lackland Technology Expo is a . Press J to jump to the feed. Brian Lawley, 802nd SFS . . MAJOR ORGANIZATIONS. Lackland Air Force Base (IATA: SKF, ICAO: KSKF, FAA LID: SKF) is a United States Air Force base located in Bexar County, Texas.The base is under the jurisdiction of the 802d Mission Support Group, Air Education and Training Command (AETC) and an enclave of the city of San Antonio.It is the only site for Air Force enlisted Basic Military Training (BMT). Published Feb. 23, 2022. Smith, 502nd Communications Squadron at JB San Antonio-Lackland; Steven Dews, 502nd SFS at JB San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas; Tech. 502nd Communications Squadron OCP patch. 502nd Communications Squadron, JBSA-Lackland, Steven Dews, 502nd Security Forces Squadron, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston and Tech Sgt . an electrical systems journeyman with the 319th Civil Engineer Squadron at Grand Forks Air Force Base, North Dakota. Brian Lawley, 802nd SFS, JBSA-Lackland, and Senior Master Sgt. Virtual Visitor Control Center/ Visitor Kiosk, submitted 2nd Lt. DJ Smith, 502nd Communications Squadron, JBSA-Lackland, Steven Dews, 502nd Security Forces Squadron, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston and Tech Sgt. LACKLAND AIR FORCE BASE, TEXAS • • Vol. Install, modify, and maintain government owned telephone, intercommunications and Local Area . July 2019-May 2021, Superintendent, 318th Cyberspace Operations Group, JBSA-Lackland AFB . At Lackland, the 502nd Installation Support Group consolidates and furnishes civil engineering, communications and . Airmen revitalize JBSA parks. The shooting took place at Building 147 of the Medina Annex, in a classroom facility known as Forbes Hall, said Lt. Col. Bobby Ford, who leads the base's 802nd security forces squadron commander . On any given day, a member of the 502nd Communications Squadron at Joint Base San Antonio can be found in the trenches supporting the workload of its more than 266 mission partners. Earlier in his career, while serving as Commander, 374th Communications Group and 72nd Communications Squadron, Tinker AFB, he was responsible for the design, operation and maintenance of all communications, computer network and air-traffic services on a base hosting 23,000 subscribers, two major combatant flying wings, five major network . A patrolman with the 2nd Security Forces Squadron at Barksdale Air Force Base, La., hands an identification card back to an Airman as they enter the gate. Brian Lawley, 802nd SFS, JBSA-Lackland, and Senior Master Sgt. USAF Visitor Center. Members from the 502nd Communications Squadron and 502nd Logistics Readiness Squadron also participated in the cleanup. Designated as 1973 Communications Squadron, and organized, on 1 Nov 1965. The 502nd Communications Squadron hosted the annual Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland Technology Expo Jan. 29 at the Gateway Club. Authorities got a call around 2:45 p.m. that said a suspicious package was found outside the 502nd Communications Squadron building. 502nd Communications Squadron at JB San Antonio-Lackland; Steven Dews, 502nd SFS at JB San Antonio . At Lackland, the 502nd Installation Support Group consolidates and furnishes civil engineering, communications and . The 802nd Mission Support Group was redesignated as the 502nd Installation Support Group at JBSA-Lackland. JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas --. More ›. 502nd Communications Squadron at JB San Antonio-Lackland; Steven Dews, 502nd SFS at JB San Antonio . USAF Visitor Center. JOINT BASE SAN SANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas --. Deputy Comptroller . Jun 29, 2016 - MyBaseGuide. Minimum Purchase of 25 Units Required Estimated . Add Review. 502 CS OCP Patch; 502 CS OCP Patch502 CS Lackland AFB U.S. Air Force Custom Patches $ 7.00 each. Students from the 733rd Training Squadron volunteered to remove trash and debris from Stillman Park and Leon Creek here, Feb. 18, 2022. 502nd Communications Squadron, JBSA-Lackland, Steven Dews, 502nd SFS . Sgt. The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center Innovation Office's "Call for Innovation" campaign ended Jan. 31 and received 122 submissions and, . Brian Lawley, 802nd SFS at JBSA-Lackland; and Senior Master Sgt. JBSA-Lackland, and Senior Master Sgt. Members from the 502nd Communications Squadron and 502nd Logistics Readiness Squadron also participated in the cleanup. Story by U.S. Air Force Capt. Units. The building is located a few hundred yards away from the fence . Lackland AFB, TX 78236. Airmen revitalize JBSA parks 733rd Training Squadron students gather for a group photograph near the garbage they collected at Stillman Park, Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, Feb. 18, 2022. The 502nd Installation Support Group coordinated the joint . Air Force Outstanding Unit Award: 1 Jun 1992-30 May 1994. Alvin Arguello of the Air Force Security Forces Center devised a way to eliminate the paperwork with the Virtual Visitor Control . Formerly 1903d Communications Squadron. 394th Communications Squadron: Lackland AFB, Texas: Was 3700th Communications Sq, Sep 1992 - Jul 1993 396th Communications Squadron: . Should things change due to the pandemic this information will be updated. JBSA-Lackland, and Senior Master Sgt. The 7,868 square-foot building will offer more efficiency for the 502nd Communications Squadron. 68 No. 502ND INSTALLATION SUPPORT GROUP. 835th Communications Squadron: Scott Air Force Base, IL: See 435th Air Base Wing: 836th Communications Squadron: Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ: 1991-1992. . The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center Innovation Office's "Call for Innovation" campaign ended Jan. 31 and received 122 submissions and more than 2,000 online votes. Airfield operations support will be limited to JBSA-Lackland. 78236 Lackland AFB , TX. 502nd Communications Squadron, JBSA-Lackland, Steven Dews, 502nd SFS, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston and Tech Sgt. The Air Force is the lead agency for Joint Base San Antonio, comprising three primary locations at JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, JBSA-Lackland and JBSA-Randolph, plus eight other operating locations and 266 mission partners. See map: Google Maps. April 2019-June 2019, Superintendent, 502nd Communications Squadron, JBSA-Lackland AFB, Texas 12. • Virtual Visitor Control Center and Visitor Kiosk submitted and presented by 2nd Lt. D.J. The 353 Battlefield Airmen Training Squadron, located at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, TX, leads, trains, mentors, develops, provides initial skills training for 520 Tactical Air Control Party and Air Liaison Officer candidates in order to award a 3 skill level, and 60 TACP enlisted members to earn their 7 skill level. In a historical transfer of responsibility, Lt. Col. Traci Sarmiento, 690th Intelligence Support Squadron commander transferred the local Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) mission to the 502nd Communications Squadron commander, Lt. Col. Christopher Waddell, Oct. 29, 2021 at Joint Base San Antonio- Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. Lackland AFB (Joint Base San Antonio) - 1561 Stewart St., Suite 1, Bldg 5616, Lackland AFB (JBSA), TX 78236; Add Photo. Voice over Internet Protocol VOIP 502nd Communications Squadron internet protocol-based technology ReserveReform The 502nd Installation Support Group consolidates and provides civil engineering; communications and operations support squadron functions and sustainment across JBSA. The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center Innovation Office's "Call for Innovation" campaign ended Jan. 31 and received 122 submissions and, . 502D COMPTROLLER SQUADRON Listing Office Symbol Building Number Phone Number COMMANDER 502 CPTS/CC JBSA . Alvin Arguello . A 668th Alteration and Installation Squadron Airman works to remove water-saturated sheet rock throughout the Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland Child Development Center caused by winter storms in Texas Feb. 15-20. In a historical transfer of responsibility, Lt. Col. Traci Sarmiento, 690th Intelligence Support Squadron commander transferred the local Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) mission to the 502nd Communications Squadron commander, Lt. Col. Christopher Waddell, Oct. 29, 2021 at Joint Base San Antonio- Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. 48 . Brian Lawley, 802nd SFS, JBSA-Lackland, and Senior Master Sgt. submitted 2nd Lt. DJ Smith, 502nd Communications Squadron, JBSA-Lackland, Steven Dews, 502nd Security Forces Squadron, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston and Tech Sgt. MilitaryINSTALLATIONS: U.S. DOD Military Base & Installation Info Col. Houston Cantwell's previous job as the 49th wing commander at Holloman Air Force Base, N.M., opened his eyes to the importance of connectivity. Event Details: This event is scheduled to be held live and in person. Alvin Arguello, AFSFC. By Mary Nell Sanchez 502nd Air Base Wing Public Affairs. Virtual Visitor Control Center/ Visitor Kiosk, submitted 2nd Lt. DJ Smith, 502nd Communications Squadron, JBSA-Lackland, Steven Dews, 502nd Security Forces Squadron, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston and Tech Sgt. You've probably heard . Brian . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts 888-376-2256 Send a Message Search. Your online wingman. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Sydney Campbell) . Carter and his team of 2nd Lt. Djozelle "DJ" Smith of the 502nd Communication Squadron, Officer Steven Dews of the 502nd Security Forces Squadron, Tech Sgt. Airmen revitalize JBSA parks 733rd Training Squadron students gather for a group photograph near the garbage they collected at Stillman Park, Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, Feb. 18, 2022. Airfield operations support will be limited to JBSA-Lackland. 802nd Communications Squadron There are many defi nitions of leader-ship. Three innovative ideas to support worldwide warfighter success are one step closer to reality today thanks to the first Air Force Innovation Rodeo, $650,000 in total seed money and a partnership with AFWERX and tech accelerator companies., . 11. 502nd Communications Squadron, JBSA-Lackland, Steven Dews, 502nd Security Forces Squadron, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston and Tech Sgt. Nov 2015 - Mar 20165 months. USAF Visitor Center. Brian . 502nd Installation Support Group; A unit of the JBSA 502nd Air Base Wing, the 502nd ISG is the focal point for all base activities, serving and supporting the 37th and 737th Training Groups and all of its mission partners as well as the more than 24,000 retirees living in the local area.. 37th Training Wing; 37th Training Group Provides professional, military and technical training in . The bulk of the work was done in four months by an integrated team of personnel from the NEC, the Air Force's 502nd Communications Squadron, …. McChord Street, San Antonio, TX 78236.

rosie marcel biography

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